Monday, March 5, 2012

Forgetting How to Spell in English

23 Enero, 2012
querida familia,
well how is everyone doing? what is new? it is amazing to see snow!! (picture of the only snow Boise has received) wow. well transfers came and i have a new companion and i am STILL in panamericano. we had three people baptized also on your anniversary. happy anniversary.
my companion is elder Alonso. is from DF. DF is like Wash. DC but for méxico. everything is different with him. i am learning a lot with him. he only has three months in his mission and still loves to talk about his home. he is a very good guy though. i just hope i can teach him the importance of obedience. so i am missing elder carvajal un poco mucho
everything is going great. the weather is still really warm but they say that the cold will come again. i sure hope so because i am not ready for the heat again.-
well i dont have much time becasue we cleaned house today and went to cut hair. now i know to clean the house after internet and buying gracieries.
another thing i am starting to forget english and spelling. i can talk with people in english but if i have to ask questions, it is a little harder. very weird. its not really hard but i have to think a little and its not smooth.
well everything is going great.
oh mom there is a new book for the women called daughters of my kingdom or something like. you should look for it and read it.

well i need to go.i love you all and sorry this is a short letter. i love you tons and miss alot. ttyl
Elder Barnes

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